Radiobuttons Horizontal

Radiobutttons, LabelFrame, Frame,

Radiobuttons are a blast and can be used several ways. This lettle demo shows them managing a selection horizontally.

#TEST AREA for Radiobuttons - horizontal
#standard set up header code 2 
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
scrW = root.winfo_screenwidth()
scrH = root.winfo_screenheight()  
workwindow = str(1024) + "x" + str(768)+ "+" +str(int((scrW-1024)/2)) + "+" +str(int((scrH-768)/2))
top1 = Toplevel(root, bg="light blue")
top1.title("Top 1 - Workwindow")
top1.attributes("-topmost", 1)  # make sure top1 is on top to start
root.update()                   # but don't leave it locked in place
top1.attributes("-topmost", 0)  # in case you use lower or lift
#exit button - note: uses grid
b3=Button(root, text="Egress", command=root.destroy)
b3.grid(row=0,column=0,ipadx=10, ipady=10, pady=5, padx=5, sticky = W+N)

def sel():
    selection = "You selected the option  " + str(var.get())
    l2.config(text = selection)

var = IntVar()  # all Radiobutton widgets will be set to the same control variable
showfont="Georgia 16 bold" # define a consistent font to use

# first a labelframe to create some space to the left and above
lf1=LabelFrame(top1, width=250, height=175, relief=GROOVE, bg="light blue")
lf1.grid(column=0,row=0)  # set relief to groove so position can be seen - FLAT=invisible

# now a frame to put our buttons in
f2=Frame(top1, width=50, relief= SUNKEN, bd=10)
f2.grid(column=1,row=2, sticky=W)

# for our frame we make and then pack 3 nice buttons with values
R1 = Radiobutton(f2, anchor=W, text="1", variable=var, value=1, command=sel, font=showfont, width=3)
R1.pack(anchor=W, side=LEFT, ipadx=10)
R2 = Radiobutton(f2, anchor=W, text="2", variable=var, value=2, command=sel, font=showfont, width=3)
R2.pack(anchor=W, side=LEFT, ipadx=10)
R3 = Radiobutton(f2, anchor=W, text="3", variable=var, value=3, command=sel, font=showfont, width=3)
R3.pack(anchor=W, side=LEFT)

# on top of it all a simple instruction label
l1=Label(top1, width=20, anchor='center', font=showfont, relief="raised", bd=7, text="Click a value")
l1.grid(column=1, row=1, pady=20, sticky='w')

# an underneath, a lable to show our action
l2 = Label(top1, width=21, anchor='w', font=showfont, relief="raised", bd=7, text="No selections have been made.")
l2.grid(column=1, row=3,  pady=20, ipady=10, ipadx=20, sticky='w')
